Go Be Love

One thing with coming home from Haiti is that I have decided to clean out a lot of stuff and have a garage sale!  I have tons of stuff and I’d like to raise some money for my trip (if I can swing it) in December besides that I have two trips this summer to pay for!  I’ve been cleaning out my closets, drawers, everything.  I was going through some t-shirts and I found one that I had purchased from Visiting Orphans http://www.visitingorphans.org/


Now for the longest time I read that as a command.  Go be love.  Go spread the love of Christ. 

And this morning while praying on my way to work, God spoke to my heart differently about it.

Go - Go make disciples, do it everywhere you go. 

Be – Please be with Me, spend time with Me.  God spoke so sweetly to my heart that it doesn’t matter how much I do, it doesn’t matter how much I don’t do, He wants to spend time with me.  He loves me, and my greatest desire is to love Him too.  Some of my sweetest times on my last Haiti trip was time I spent with Him

Love – Love everyone, even when it’s hard (and sometimes it really is difficult). Love those around you, love those far from you.  Do what you can to whenever you can to show those around the world, Me.

What a different perspective, especially that ‘Be’ part. Wow.  I am so thankful for a different perspective, one from the Father.  

 I am never disappointed when I spend time with Him, He restores my soul.
